Disability And Climate Change Public Archive Project
The Team
Project Director
Julia Watts Belser (she/her) is a scholar, rabbi, and activist who works at the intersections of disability studies, queer feminist Jewish ethics, and environmental justice. She is Professor of Jewish Studies at Georgetown University, Senior Research Fellow at the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs, and core faculty in Georgetown’s Disability Studies Program. Alongside several academic books, she co-authored a landmark Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities, developed in collaboration with disability activists from 42 countries, to help challenge the root causes of poverty, gender violence, and disability discrimination. A longtime activist for disability and gender justice, she’s also a passionate wheelchair hiker.
Student Research Assistants
Lucy Child (she/her) | Class of 2024
Madison Dwyer (she/her) | Class of 2025
Sherie Gayle (she/her) | Graduate Research Assistant
Plain Language Translation: Reid Caplan | Accessible Academia
Spanish Language Translation: Sucia Urrea, Ramona de Jesús, and Tere Santana | Vulgar.mx
Archive Design
Web Design: Julia Jackson
Banner Art: Julia Watts Belser
Logo: Wintis Gibson | WintisArt
Web Accessibility Consultant: Justice Shorter | National Disability Rights Network
About the Course: Disability, Ethics, and EcoJustice
Georgetown students have played a crucial role in curating and shaping the conversations in the archive. In my Disability, Ethics, and EcoJustice course, students grapple with questions of environmental justice through the prism of disability studies, documenting and analyzing the disproportionate harm faced by disability communities in the wake of natural disaster and climate harm. Together, we examine how disaster situations magnify existing social inequalities, in order to help better understand how challenging structural racism, classism, and ableism are crucial components of environmental ethics. To synthesize and sharpen those insights, I invite small teams of students to join me in developing and shaping a new piece for the archive—working collaboratively with me to craft a conversation for the archive.
Disability, Ethics, and EcoJustice is part of Georgetown’s Core Pathway in Climate Change, an initiative that brings together faculty and students from diverse disciplines in the humanities and the sciences to grapple with the realities of climate change.