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Spiritual Practice for Navigating Crisis

Grappling with climate change brings us face to face with grief and fear, with uncertainty, with the realities of loss.  How might we navigate this terrain?  What practices might we cultivate to strengthen our resilience and resolve?  How do we grow our courage?  How do we tend our hearts?  From where do we draw hope?

In this strand, disabled artists and activists reflect on the spiritual insights and practices that ground and sustain their work.  Some conversation partners are rooted in particular religious traditions; others draw spiritual wisdom from practices of earth care and environmental reverence.  Many also recognize lived disability experience as a powerful, potent source of insight—one that can deepen our capacity for the inner work that climate change demands. As you enter into these conversations, we invite you to open up these questions in whatever way resonates for you.  What does your own body know?  How does your own spirit move through these days?  What speaks to and through your own heart?

The Conversations 

Naomi Ortiz in conversation with Julia Watts Belser

Naomi Ortiz in conversation with Julia Watts Belser